Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I know I am not good at this, but I am trying. So here is what has been going on! We found out that we are expecting baby #3 on October 28th. My baby sister is also pregnant and of course her due date is also October 28th, what a fun fall we are going to have with two new babies for the holidays. We will find out what the gender is on June 15th and it can not come any sooner.

We recently have a new addition to the family. Her name is Lacey and she is a little 4 month old Beagle and the cutest little thing ever. It has been a real challenge because I have never owned a dog let alone a puppy, I had not clue what I was getting into, if she weren't so cute we would not have kept her. She is a ton of work but so much fun for our little family.
Bryce is in gymnastics and is really loving it. He has been doing it for the past 3 months and they recently had a meet over the weekend and did so well. We are so proud of him. So that is his activity while Jaxson is in preschool.
Jaxson had is last day of preschool today and they did a great graduation program. Jaxson will be going back to this preschool in the fall because he does not turn 5 until December and the cut off was September. I am so glad that he has one more year of preschool. We are so proud of him and what he has accomplished this year.
Jaxson with Miss Jeanna!

Jaxson with Miss Z

As you can see we have a busy little life and we are enjoying it. See you soon!


Kassi said...

Thank you for the update! Congrats on the baby! I hope it is a girl if you want one! Please keep us posted. I will be looking forward to hearing! I have been wondering what you sweet family was up to! So it is good to hear you are busy!

Jannie said...

YAY for updates!! Hopefully you'll send out an email or something when you find out what you are having - I am so happy and excited for you! Hope you are feeling okay these days....

Nicki said...

How fun for your family-- all of it: New baby on the way, gymnastics-boy, smartie-pants, the weiner dog-- everything! I hope you've been feeling good!

Shayla Finlinson said...

Congrats on number 3... that is so exciting.. your boys are so so cute.. I was so glad to see that you had updated.. keep it up girl..