Saturday, October 30, 2010

Asher is Finally Here!!!!

Asher Ryan Denton was born October 21st @ 4:41pm. He weighed 7lbs 4oz and 19in long. We could not be more thrilled to have him finally here, and he is the perfect addition to our family. He is such a good baby and we really feel blessed to have him in our lives. Jaxson and Bryce just love him to pieces. Jaxson is always wanting to hold him and kiss him and love him, and Bryce just likes to look at him, but both of them are great helpers and love to help, so I am going to take advantage of it while it lasts. Here are some of Asher's first pictures. Below is my labor story if you want to know!!

Bryce and Jaxson's first time to hold their little brother.
Asher was only a few hours old.

Going Home!!

So everyone include myself was hoping that I would go into labor early because I had Jaxson and Bryce about 10 days early. But that did not happen. I was scheduled to be induced on the 21st. The hospital called that morning and told me to come in about 10:30. My dad took Bryce and a close friend took Jaxson for the day so Joe could be with me. So when we got to the hospital they put right into a room and started putting everything together. My doctor came in about 11:00, started the pitocin and broke my water. About 15 min. later I received my epidural (which for me is the best thing ever). After receiving that I really don't remember much for the next hour because it made my blood pressure drop and I was going in and out of consciousness because the epidural was set a little to high, but after they figured out the right setting I was much better. Joe and I just hung out for a few hours and about 3:00 I was only dilated to a three. My doctor was getting a little anxious because he had to leave town about four and he really wanted to be able to deliver my baby. Around 4:15 the nurse came in and checked me again and to my surprise I was dilated to a seven. Then about 15min later I felt pressure like I have never felt before, I asked Joe to go and get the nurse and they checked me again and I was already dilated to a ten. So the nurse went to go and get my doctor and once he was in there I only pushed for 3 1/2 minutes and then little Asher was here and I was so relieved. He came out kicking and screaming and that was music to my ears. It does not matter how many kids you have it is still an emotional experience. He was the cutest little thing I had ever seen. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him. I was only in labor for 5 1/2 hours, not too bad. I have been so blessed to have such healthy pregnancies and deliveries, we could not have asked for a better experience. Later that night Jaxson and Bryce was able to come and see their new little brother. We are so incredibly blessed to have Asher.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our Little Nursery!

So we finally finished it! When we moved into our new place, the room that is going to be the new baby's room was totally PINK, so Joe and I knew we would have to do something about that. So we painted it! It was really hard to decide what color we wanted to do, we took out the bedding, and tried to figure out what we wanted to do. We went into Jaxson and Bryce's room and there was our answer (really Joe's idea). Their room looks very similar to the baby's room, instead of having red on the bottom half, their's is blue, so these two rooms complement each other very well. We spent a good week to two weeks painting. I had no idea how hard and how long it would take, but we are soooo pleased with the way it turned out, we LOVE it. Now we are ready for this little one to come into the world. Really, any day now.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jaxson 1st Soccer Game!

Jaxson is playing soccer this fall for the first time! He is finally getting old enough to play some sports. He had his first game last Saturday and it went well. They don't keep score, the only rules are no hands and try to keep the ball in bounds. It needs to stay simple for 5 year olds. It was so fun to watch them try to get used to their coordination skills. This is the best age to watch because they are learning the game for the first time. Jaxson really loves to play and has so much fun with it. He has about 3 other church friends that are on his team and that just adds to the joy of it for him. It was so fun watching him and watching him learn how to work with others.
Jaxson before the game with his uniform on. He was so excited to wear this!

The game had just started and he is trying to figure out what is going on!
He is trying to get to the ball!

The hand shakes with the other team when the game was over!
Jaxson and Tori after the game eating their snacks! (Tori is one of his best friends)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Laurie's Big 30th!

Yesterday was my 30th birthday! I am actually excited about being in my 30's, I hear that they are awesome, so let it begin. So we started out by going to Joe's work so he and the boys could take me out to lunch. We went to a place called The Red Iguana, it was fantastic. It's fast food but the best mexican food ever. Then later that night the boys and my parents to me out to dinner at the Mayan resturant. The food is ok but the entertainment is more fun. They have a fun diving show every 30 minutes with music and lights to go along with it, that made it fun. Jaxson and Bryce did not know what to think of it, they were more nervous than anything because they keep the lights low like you are in a cave, but overall we had a great time. I was so exausted by the end of it all I came home and crashed. It was such a great and fun day with family. There was no other way to spend the day.
My mom and dad with Jaxson and Bryce enjoying the chips and salsa!

Me and my hubby, enjoying our chips and salsa!

Joe and Bryce watching the diving show!

Bryce and I watching the diving show!

Trying to keep Jaxson and Bryce calm after the diving show!

My birthday dessert! What a candle, more like a firework. But the dessert was soooo good, it was molten chocolate cake with ice cream, my favorite. The dinner tasted ok but the dessert was something to be had!!!

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes and calls, it was a great day!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Jaxson's 1st day of Preschool!

Today was a great day, Jaxson has started preschool again. He missed the cut off date to start Kindergarden so he is doing preschool for another year. I am actually kind of glad, then I know he will for sure be ready next year. He was so excited to start, see all of his friends and meet some new ones, he is a very social kid, just like his dad. This year they are learning about the zoo with all of the animals that it has. Jaxson is hoping that they will get to go to he zoo sometime. Bryce however was very disappointed that he could not go, but I am going to try to do a little bit of preschool learning here at home with him before the baby comes, and hopefully we can get him into it sometime in January. Overall Jaxson had a great day at school, loved everything about it and so did mom!

Jaxson on his first day of Preschool!

Jaxson and Bryce! (Bryce wanted in on the action too!)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Name for Baby #3

Ok so we thought that we had decided on a name for this new baby boy, but we were wrong. We recently heard another boys name that we really like as well. So we decided not to tell anyone what his name will be because we don't even know yet. We are going to keep everyone in suspense until October.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bryce Turns 3!!

Bryce turned 3 this last week, and what a party week we had. He still thinks it's his birthday. I guess I make a really big deal about birthdays. On his actual birthday we celebrated as a family with his favorite movie theme, TOY STORY!!! I decorated the house the night before, Bryce's reaction was so funny when he saw them first thing in the morning.

Joe was able to go into work late so he could enjoy breakfast with us. Then I took Bryce to
Wal-Mart and let him pick out one toy, the poor kid had a hard time making up his mind. Then after he had decided I took him and Jaxson to their favorite place for lunch, McDonalds. They both got a happy meal and played on the playland. I have never had a more peaceful lunch. When Joe got home we made homemade pizza for dinner and Grandpa and Grandma came over to enjoy it with us. Then came the best part, the presents and cake and ice cream. This year I tried to make Bryces cake, it did not turn out the way I wanted it to, it was supposed to be a space ship but it looks more like a triangle. Oh well, it still looked ok, better luck next time.

Bryce opening his presents!

Singing "Happy Birthday" to Bryce!

Bryce blowing out his candles!
Then on Saturday the party continues with his church and neighborhood friends! He wanted a baseball party, and so a baseball party he got.

We had our very own Consession Stand filled with ring pops, cotton candy, chocolate covered marshmallows, popcorn and laffy taffy! The kids loved this part the best, I am sure so did the parents!
We served hot dogs, chips, watermelon, capri sun and water for lunch!
Instead of making another cake I made baseball cupcakes with ice cream.

There were a few games the kids did. They got to play tee ball, try to hit the ball to the target, even the girls got into this one!
The second game was to try and throw the baseball into a bucket. I kept it very simple so the kids could enjoy it.

Over all his birthday was so much fun. He is already asking when is he going to be 4.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Name for Baby #3!!

So I think we have finally picked out a name for our baby boy #3. I still can't believe we are having another boy! It is so funny to watch people's reactions when I tell them what this baby will be, it's almost like a pitty look, they really don't know what to say and I think it is so funny! But we are so excited for a third boy, we are starting to realize the many blessings that will come into our lives with all of these boys and Joe and I could not be more excited to see what lies ahead.

So the name we have decided on is Ashton Tyler Denton!! This name has taken us a little bit longer to decide on, but we are really liking it. We can't wait for him to get here in October.

New Home!!

So we have done it again, we have moved! It seems like the story of our lives, but this move was well needed and great timing!! We moved at the begining of August just one street down from where we were. We are in a spacious townhome instead of a spacious condo on the third floor. I was getting to the point where it was becoming difficult to go up and down our stairs and was not going to do it with a new baby and two other kids. We wanted to stay in our ward and so we were blessed with a great opportunity to move into this new townhome. We are so excited to be in it because we have an attached garage and only one flight of stairs inside our house, and a small backyard for the dog and the kids. Sometimes the little things are such a blessing to have. We will be here for a least 2 years, maybe more. We really love the area and the schools, so I see us staying here for a while, but who knows. I hope everyone is doing well. Love and miss all of you!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our 4th Of July!

I hope everyone had a great and safe 4th of July weekend. Our family had a great and relaxing one. We did not do much on Saturday except watch the fireworks that Thanksgiving Point did and we watch that from the back of our car on the side of the road near our house, it was not very long this year but the boys seem to enjoy watching them. Most of our activities came on Monday, we woke up the kids early so we could go to the parade in Provo. We packed our breakfast which were donuts, granola bars and orange juice (I know real healthy) and went and found a spot to sit and watch.
Jaxson and Bryce enjoying their donuts and orange juice!

Who knows what Joe is thinking? But I thought is was a good shot of him.

Jaxson watching the parade start!

Bryce got a little scared by the jet that flew over us!

Now they are starting to get into it, watching the firetrucks, motorcycles, marching bands and their favorite, Cosmo (BYU Cougar mascot)!

Later that day grandma and papa came over for a BBQ and fireworks. We went across the street to our church parking lot to lite.
Jaxson and Bryce loved to do the Pop-it fireworks!

Jaxson watching Joe set up the fireworks!
Our case of fireworks we got this year! As the boys get older the bigger the fireworks will get I'm sure! So lets start out small!
Joe starting to lite the fireworks!
Ooooo! Ahhhhh!
We came back to our house to do the sparklers. Jaxson is trying to figure out two without burning himself!
Bryce trying the same thing!
Loving the sparklers!
So is Joe!
The end of a long day!

Yes we all have our matching 4th of July t-shirts from Old Navy, aren't we festive! I hope you enjoyed a little bit of what we did. Hope you had a fun and festive one as well!