Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our Crisis

Yesterday started out ok. I ran some errands with the boys, we came home ate lunch, all of us took a nice long nap. Then around 4:30 in the afternoon I had to wake the boys up from their nap. So I first got Jaxson up, then I went to go and get Bryce up. Well that is when it started, I could not get into the room that he was sleeping in (the playroom). Some how, some way the door got locked with him in it and we do not have a key to that door. I tried everything, a coat hanger, a bobby pin, I even tried to literally kick the door open. Jaxson was right next to me the whole time and he did not really know what was going on until I started kicking the door. That scared both him and Bryce and they started to scream, so I new I could not try that again. I called Joe at work and he works about 45 minutes away so there was no way I could wait for him to come home and help, then I called my mom and dad, they were 30 minutes away and I could not wait for them either. So I was thinking to myself "what do I do?", do I call the fire department or who should I call. Inside I am freaking out, but I knew I could not show it to Jaxson, so I remained calm (I am very proud of myself for staying that calm). After 20 very long minutes I finally jammed a screw driver in the door and through some miracle I popped it open. So on Monday we are going to home depot to get a new door knob that has a key to it so if this ever happens again I will have some way to get in. What a scary half an hour that was. Some day I will laugh about this, at least that is what my family says.


Heather Lynn said...

That sounds so not fun. It reminds me of the time triston got his leg stuck threw the crib. I almost had to get a saw to cut the crib but I finally got it out before then. :)

Jannie said...

that is pretty crazy!!!! and what happened to my weekly laurie updates...hehe, j/k!! hope you can quit your job soon so you can have time for stuff like bloggin!!!