The other day I was having some complications with my pregnancy and when I called the doctor they suggested that I get an ultrasound to make sure things were still going ok. They got me in for an ultrasound the next day and everything is ok, and looks great. The baby is still kicking and moving and doing well. As they were checking the babies heart, kidneys, and other things, they asked me if I would like to know the gender of the baby. I am only 17 weeks so it is still a little early, but I could not resist, so we did. Can you guess what we are going to have? Yes ANOTHER BOY! They were pretty sure that it what it is. We are going to check again on June 15th but as I said we are pretty sure. Jaxson and Bryce came with me and they got to see the baby and heart his heart beat. They were so excited to see him and know that they will be having a baby brother. Jaxson really wanted a sister but I think he will be ok with a brother. Joe and I are really excited as well. I did not know how I was going to react if it was not a girl, but I am really excited and happy about having him. I know the Lord has entrusted me with these sweet young boys and raise them to be great missionairies. I guess we better start saving for missions NOW! Our family is just so glad we could have a new addition to the family. I hope you enjoy these new pics, I know Jaxson and Bryce love showing them to everyone! We are thinking of the name Emerson Tyler, we want to hear feed back on what you think! We love and miss all of you!
how exciting.. congrats girl.. you just already have the boys done so well... I loved the ultrasound pictures.. so cute..
Hey, I've been terrible at keeping in touch, but I've been loving your recent updates. A huge CONGRATS on the coming baby! You are such a rockin' mom. Those little boys are lucky. Josh's family started out with 3 boys in a row. Then came Shayla (finally a girl), and a bunch more of both genders after that! Anyway it's fun to have the 3 big brothers at the head of the family!
Ya!!! So exciting!!! BTW - I LOVE your family photo. :)
Oh and I LOVE the name Emerson. We acually almost named Ethyn that.:)
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