Bryce turned 3 this last week, and what a party week we had. He still thinks it's his birthday. I guess I make a really big deal about birthdays. On his actual birthday we celebrated as a family with his favorite movie theme, TOY STORY!!! I decorated the house the night before, Bryce's reaction was so funny when he saw them first thing in the morning.

Joe was able to go into work late so he could enjoy breakfast with us. Then I took Bryce to
Wal-Mart and let him pick out one toy, the poor kid had a hard time making up his mind. Then after he had decided I took him and Jaxson to their favorite place for lunch, McDonalds. They both got a happy meal and played on the playland. I have never had a more peaceful lunch. When Joe got home we made homemade pizza for dinner and Grandpa and Grandma came over to enjoy it with us. Then came the best part, the presents and cake and ice cream. This year I tried to make Bryces cake, it did not turn out the way I wanted it to, it was supposed to be a space ship but it looks more like a triangle. Oh well, it still looked ok, better luck next time.

Bryce blowing out his candles!

Then on Saturday the party continues with his church and neighborhood friends! He wanted a baseball party, and so a baseball party he got.

We had our very own Consession Stand filled with ring pops, cotton candy, chocolate covered marshmallows, popcorn and laffy taffy! The kids loved this part the best, I am sure so did the parents!
We served hot dogs, chips, watermelon, capri sun and water for lunch!
Instead of making another cake I made baseball cupcakes with ice cream.

There were a few games the kids did. They got to play tee ball, try to hit the ball to the target, even the girls got into this one!
The second game was to try and throw the baseball into a bucket. I kept it very simple so the kids could enjoy it.

Over all his birthday was so much fun. He is already asking when is he going to be 4.